Have you noticed that your monthly period is late or it seems shorter or different from usual? It could mean you’re pregnant.
There are several early symptoms you can check for: sore breasts, cramps and backache, implantation bleeding or spotting, being tired more than usual, darker looking nipples, nausea and vomiting, bloating, going to the bathroom more often, cravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings, higher temperature in the morning, nose dripping, and/or being congested. These can all be early signs, especially if you are experiencing several of these together.
I’ll never forget with my second pregnancy I thought I had the flu. The entire pregnancy was so different than the first. At delivery time I never had contractions again. Don’t take a chance. Get your free pregnancy test and a possible ultrasound (if the test is positive) and know how far along you are. It’ll either be positive or negative, but you need peace of mind. Let us help you. Call 731-642-0600.
This article was written and published by Cheryl Connor. Cheryl has since retired, and all posts she created have been associated with Jenifer Whitemire.